Never a Time for Making Believe


Be free in the way you hold your thoughts about the world and the way it will become what it is to be. The processes that are underway are being monitored by interstellar beings whose soul purpose is to facilitate the self-sustaining transformation of worlds. The planet you inhabit is undergoing changes to the inner framework of sentient reflexive understanding of itself as a planetary being. What this means is that planets are self-aware to varying degrees, as are humans, and Earth is coming into an enhanced level of understanding of itself. This requires review of experience and dispensing with extraneous data. What is left after clearing planetary memory forms the basis from which the new understanding of itself can build anew.

When the force of change is part of your waking reality, it will fill the space of life being lived as wind fills the sail of a ship. You can watch the sails flutter and spin, or you can learn the wind’s secrets and adjust the sails in response to its movements. Know that it is far better, for you and for the fleet of ships that comprises the whole of humanity, to raise the sails to catch the winds rather than sit and talk about things while the winds pass. A single moment can change everything; if you pay attention, you can ride the wind to a new sea.

Many of your probable realities present themselves now. What happens is as much dependent on what each individual chooses as the big movements of states and nations. The leaders of your world’s government each has a role to play in how the present period in history plays out. However, you as citizens of the world are not without power, nor are you present at this time merely to concede that power as the big players make their moves with nary a thought to your true welfare.

You are here, now, to bring to a point of culmination what your soul has been perfecting over lifetimes; you carry within your soul memory the codes that can bring your entire race into equilibrium with planetary movements toward experiencing total change. Such a shift happens as an externalization of what is put into momentum interiorly, by the individual alone. Each one attracts itself to other ones, and soon individual change becomes an externalized, plural experience, on and on, the many becoming one, which then becomes the many coalescing into integrated wholeness, and so on.

Where will it lead to? There are many who present stories that contradict the “truths” that have been given to you. Listen to them and let your innate intelligence separate the eventual truth from the stories you have been taught to believe. Now is the time to challenge history with a clear head and open heart. You have no reason to believe in the future you’re being prepared to accept as inevitable if it is merely an extension of a sequence of carefully crafted lies. What you have, instead, is the reality you long have expected, yourselves, when you look through the eyes of your soul. While as individuals your expectations vary from one person to the next, from the levels of soul, what you experience in the world is precisely what your soul-level self has decided to have the experience of. Even what you perceive as mistakes, even what you feel as pain or fear or anger – these are all things you and your soul-level self have chosen to experience. While this may not be a very welcome bit of news for those who are experiencing such things now, the world will show a golden rainbow after the storm of tribulation ends.

For now, dear human family of Earth’s time and place, we ask to have only a tiny portion of thought where it may be put to best effect, and that, for a moment, is in considering that everything you need to know is indeed accessible to you when every perception is cleared from the distorting effects of belief. The lens which focuses the light of mental clarity is one which only has the property of unadorned truth. Even to have the intent to let go of belief is associated with the belief that something has the power to hold you. Only when you know can you be without belief. Only then will you truly be free.

through Theo

Size Is in Life, Not in Dimensions of Thought: Isis Soul Collective


Bright is the future, dear ones of Earth’s sphere, and bright is the light which shines from these words when received with love for the Earth. We of the collective soul group called Isis have brought together some words for the days ahead, to give some sense of being part of something bigger than you might be used to thinking about.

Your world has gotten a lot smaller, you are fond of saying, with the onslaught of technology’s apparatus to defeat the limitations of time and space, as they are understood in linear thinking. The lunchbox is full of surprises. Open it up and we will have a bit to chew on. There is no limit to the dimensions once you pop the lid, but we will be your guides through this brief exploration.

The world may seem smaller, but in fact it is much the same as it has been for some time. Now, if you were to compare the present size to a far-distant point of time in the past, pre-dating current human civilizational recordings, you might well say it had gotten smaller, and you would be, in part, correct. The truth is, the world has become more compressed. The amount of material it is comprised of is in dimensional compression. The volume is the same but the matrix is more tightly constructed.

This is about to change, as the matrix-space that your world is in is undergoing a sort of unraveling. Certain vortex points coincide with the uncoupling of structures that have reached a limitation of how they are able to maintain the status quo of beingness, and the entire system must, in response to the needs of organismal parts, metamorphosize to accommodate the fundamental shift that exists at integral moments such as this now you find yourselves in. Growth is intrinsic to life. While life itself remains, its form mutates. It is as true for cosmic systems as it is for human body systems, to bring it down to a gut-level understanding.

Have you come to understand that there is no future in maintaining the past as if it were the present? While the past has certain mysteries to unlock, and a few surprises yet to yield to a world long unaware of its origins, the moment that is Now cannot be pinned down and forced into repetition. Nor can a jettisoned timeline become resurrected and forced into the encoding that sentient beings have created for the purpose of expressing life in form. Life, with a capital “L”, has plans of its own, and, to borrow a well-placed saying, come hell or high water, life will have its day. Despite the fears that trick your mind, life will live its manifest way. There is nothing that can prevent life from continuing. Even the darkest nightmares of death or perdition cannot stop life’s essence from living. Form, as you say, follows function. Thus it is with life.

We leave you with this question, now that you have pondered the words we share today: What is the function of the life you are living, as you consider the long-term implications of life’s nature? Is it not to give shape to some expression of life within the matrix-space of Earth, and to have some influence on the collective mind of humanity? As the space of time and thought, and the very framework of planetary dynamics itself, de-compress and begin to occupy a less-dense dimensional space, can you likewise loosen your hold on the constructs you have created for life’s expression and relax into the knowingness of a truly expanded experience of life? We hope you can, and we are available whenever you feel the pull of having that come into being for you.

In peace, we leave you in this moment of self-recognition and blessing. The dream is about to give way to a new reality, within the core of the system of living humanity. Know that you are on the way to bringing yourselves home.

You Are New Beings in the Making

cosmic doorway

If there were one way to describe the situation you on the Earth are now in, it might easily be summed up with the thought that you’re in hot water. You have left the time of safe dreams and have entered into the nightmare realm of reality starting to unravel around the edges. Have you seen enough of miracles? Have you seen enough of disasters? We have seen you coming to grips with each in turn, as your world spins in her dance of triumph through the space of rough passage. You have nothing to worry about, though, if you pay attention to your heart beckoning you to detach your self from the drama. We have waited until now to let you know that you are really going to be in for a lot of surprises, and you will not be facing them alone. While we are not at this time ready to materialize fully with you, there are some who are receiving impulses that are reminding them that we are quite real and near. You have just read these words, so if you have not otherwise received a signal from your soul’s beacon, you can consider the message you are reading to be a form of mass communication decipherable by those who have opened their hearts and minds without losing either. We are talking to you. We know who you are, and we are ready to energetically engage with you whenever you feel ready for the boost it takes to get over the lightwaves of self-doubt and into the recognition of a communion with star-people who are not that unlike yourselves in many ways.

You lost the ability to know where you are in the grand scheme of things when you decided to make the trip into earth’s matrix long, long ago. You have spent lifetimes and sanity trying to gain the upper hand in the game you have found yourself in, and have watched from within the emotional stages from transfixed numbness to abject horror as the world has gone through the tumultuous sea of experience that has defined the human experience. You have not suffered alone, nor have you ever only been the mere engravings upon the wall of time as life has passed by on an endless march of misery, joy, and everything in between. It is in the near future that you will come into remembrance, dear ones, and we are the ones who you will remember first, after recollecting yourselves into wholeness. In the meantime, you have yet some more tumult to devise a way through, and a short span of time until you come to the point where you will be in memory’s alignment with your soul’s long and varied earthly journey. When you do meet, finally, yourself on the road to home, what will you have to send as a message to yourself? What will you do, when at last you remember who you are in the fullness of time’s open door to the zero point of beingness? It’s worth thinking about, even if it’s just to practice your hello and handshake. The only one who might wistfully tell about the mournful elder of your race being in the state of joy over your arrival back into the final wave of home-going is us, so we are going to tell you about the light that has livened the path of humanity on the way from where you began up to now, and into the near future’s realm of potential becoming.

Once upon a time, when humanity was new to the world and things were a bit less complicated than they are now, you as a race were already on a road that would lead to trouble. On to the ending, where we have jumped because you already know the story thus far, of woe and suffering and injustice: you are waiting for the moment to present itself where the problems get tied into neat little packages and the ending comes with a happily ever after for everyone involved. However, the ends that need tying up are frayed and toxic, so we are going to focus a bit more on this part of the story, so as not to bore you with details you already know. The water is toxic, the air, the land, and the thoughtspace are toxic. People are losing their grasp on the truth of the reality that is encroaching on the illusion, and those that are aware are powerless in the face of insanity to do anything to stop its progress. That truth is that there are problems everywhere, solutions abounding, yet suffering continues and the nightmare of earth’s outcry is just becoming audible to the people who live on its surface. You are about to see how loudly earth’s cry has penetrated into the outlying inhabited regions of the galaxy, however, as those who are tuned to the frequency are ready and on hand to help in the transition that inevitably comes your way. The earth is increasingly unable to sustain what has been the going reality. A new world needs to birth. The time is upon you to jump with the planet into a new reality, and we are here to support that transformational shift. Your planet’s awareness of your history is a rich repository related to humanity’s evolutionary travels hither and yon, and the earth is ready to let this play out for a time and then get onto a new history. So here we are at the mournful elder, and you need to hear the truth about the planet’s potential for life to get everything under a new sun, fresh and vibrant and growing. The mournful elder is the spirit of the world, and it has something to say to humanity today:

MOURNFUL ELDER SPEAKS: “Dear people of Earth, do not despise those who allow the planet to die. Do not hate who take liberties with her and destroy her through technological or other means. Dear ones, you are all part of the world, and as such there is one thing that is left to happen finally to bring the whole sphere of our one common entity into the shift that will herald a new age of life. You are one being, called Life. You are individuals and you are organisms, and there are outside influences and internal influences, dimensional impacts and thought-guided actions, all of which have an effect on the total well-being of the whole. It is not time to talk about who has what thing to say about what is right or wrong with the way things are going. It is time to talk about how you are doing as part of a greater organism, how you are functioning as an individual in a massive lifeform made up of elements and individuals, and it is time to see who is at the line of demarcation between life and death for all. In truth, there is only one thing to do. You are one body with many divine embodiments in the form of beings living on the skin of the one environmental sustainer. Let there be life, and let there be light in the minds of those who live in the dark seeking death and ruin and who love only life inverted. The light is on the edge of the world now that will waken all and when that light comes, it will be too late to let things simply continue as they have been, without action on the behalf of Life Itself. Live as one being under the light of the day dawning in the light of the star of the truth, which shines its light on all. Let there be love to light the way, and let there be one mind in the truth that what is about to give life new meaning is going to lift the dark curtain between the time you are now in and the time that is in the next moment. There is enough of the talk about things not working to the benefit of all beings. Now the Earth is going to take a step toward bringing life into harmonic balance once again. It is for you to join in the entrainment of global life-sustaining thinking, or lose an opportunity to give your life the time to talk about the next phase of evolving for the organism of all, the planet itself, of which you are part and much loved.”

THEO: If you are looking for something practical to do in the knowing of this from the planetary mind, we have a couple of ideas to share. You are already on the ground and living in places where you can be of great assistance and where each of you has already given the go-ahead for there to be a shift in which you are to have an actively participatory role. Already you are becoming more aware of this being the way things are going to be. In the next step of your journey, you will be reminded by your soul that there had to come a time when the clothing you have adopted will have given you the service necessary for you to do the thing you came to the world to do, and then you will be free to make a few alterations to the outfit you’ve been wearing for the span of service you have lived thus far. You will have the ability to give yourself a new and updated beingness, a greater expression of light, through an alteration in your material coding that creates the dimensional-matrix-based form you reside in. You are all going to have this as a reality in the near future. What you can do now to prepare for that is to come to peace with who you have been, to forgive yourself, thereby forgiving everyone for everything that has brought you into conflict with your core resonance sounding itself harmonically with the timespace you have operated within. You can focus your attention on your lifestream and the waveform it emanates in the matrix of reality and consider the implications of emanating that waveform in the more complex matrix of a lower-density, higher-dimensional reality. These are the main things for now. We will be offering more such guidance in the near future. If you are so inclined, you may be wanting to join other mindsets by meditating together on these things, sharing your experiences, and giving each other encouragement and support as things begin to move into a new speed of transformational development. We, of course, as the bringers of this message, are always on call to you should you wish to share in our energies for a boost or insight into the process. This is not the final act of your world’s drama, but it is a new gear that you are shifting into in the final approach to that day. We remain with you throughout, and are friend to all in the now and beyond.

Who Is Theo?


Who is Theo? This question had been much on my mind since coming into contact with this source, as there are other people here bringing forth messages from Theo. This message is in answer to that question, and to the question of Theo’s plan.

Theo is a group of high-vibrational beings of what the human-based understanding would see as luminescent humanoid appearance. We are twelve in number, and we call ourselves Theo, as the one who is the primary transmitter of the words we share is of a divine frequency signature that is best understood by the human mind by the sound “Theo” and all the undercurrents that accompany divinity in the shape of that sound. We are in fact beings who have come together for the purpose of assisting the Earth’s rebalancing in the times following the transformation from enslavement to liberated, from subject to pure sovereign beingness, from one age into another, if you will allow us a little poetic turn of phrase. We have been working on the plane of Earth for many eons of your time, and where we exist, this is not the first time we have entered into communication with you, as a people. Our home is afar in both time and space, and is distant as well from the density of the Earth matrix, in that it is of a substance more akin to spiritual than physical, though on our home world, we do indeed have physicality and enjoy a rich and varied lifestyle. It is not our mode of physicality that allows us to enter into communication with you now, but your open willingness to be on the Earth at the time of its transformation that gives us the go-ahead to speak with you on matters relating to your practical needs as fully understood beings in a newly open galactic neighborhood. In short, we are here to help your world transform from one mode of being into another. There is little left to do before that is something that’s seen as done, but the time remaining is essential for everyone to look into and finally “get it.”

The truth about other entities called Theo is that there are many of our kind of higher-vibrating beings at work in your world, and however we are called, we are doing a similar kind of job. We may use the name Theo to describe ourselves, yet our familiar names remain unshared, for now. We don’t want to get anyone confused, so let us quite simply reveal our nature and our intention. We are a group who uses the vibrational signature of “Theo” to describe our nature as divine messengers to Earth. It is a word that signifies much to you on subtle levels of understanding, yet is open enough as a pathway to find long after we have finished our transmission through our chosen transmitter. Others of our orientation, others of our nature, also have a similar message and intention, and through love’s series of understanding and growth, you can see that we are more or less sharing the same kind of information through various lenses to be able to share the most essential information with as diverse an audience as possible. It is nothing more than this. We are in some sense related, but in another sense, we are not the same. On the most basic level, we are loving you and you are letting us communicate with you, so at least this is something that all the ones on your planet who bear the message of Theo share with one another. There is no need to say we are at odds with each other, for in truth, we work together on our side of reality’s veil.

The time for revealing more of your own nature to yourselves has turned into the time of discovering more of the divine nature of everything that is reality, and for expanding your idea and experience of what “reality” is. We are part of that expansion, and as such, have entered into communication with you through the services of this human of Pleiadian beingness, who is our liaison at this time, who is entirely aware of our presence yet is not going to alter our intention in any way. We have chosen this particular mode of communication ourselves, in the hope that you of Earth now can feel the truth of Theo in more ways and in more fullness. We have chosen carefully, and it is our intention to bring forth the core message that we have to share in a way that you will receive with grace and peace in your hearts, for the days are fast approaching for you that these truths we impart will ring quite loudly in your ears. There is nothing to fear, of course, yet there is need for you to prepare yourselves more fully than you have otherwise had the leisure of doing. We are speaking with you presently in the enterprise of accelerating that preparation. All you have left to do is integrate another level of consciousness… easy, as now the atmosphere, spiritually speaking, is becoming more coherently aligned with the one true source of love that is at the basic level of everything. You are ready to be more fully informed about the reality of the universe of which you are a part, and we are happy to be part of that sharing.

This is Theo’s plan. We have shared with you some of the new information we carry, and we will be sharing more with you as time unravels. Know that we live in the light of Lyra and that we love you in divine recognition of identity, of oneness, of one Self that breathes through All. Let this be enough for today. We will return with more sharing soon. In peace, we say, remember us in your hearts during those times you are troubled, and know that we are in the moment with you.